How about the situation in Operation Desert Storm, when electronically prepared daily military orders had to be flown out to Navy ships on floppy disk because the Air Force, Army, and Navy had no common radio communication capability? OperationDesertStorm中的情况如何呢,由于空军、陆军和海军没有通用的无线电通信能力,日常的电子军事命令不得不通过软盘传递到海军军舰上?
1991-The United Nations deadline for the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from occupied Kuwait expires, preparing the way for the start of Operation Desert Storm. 1991年的今天,联合国规定伊拉克从被占领的科威特撤军的最后期限终止,着手准备“沙漠风暴”(海湾战争)。